The Royal Order of Constantine the Great and Saint Helen

We believe in the power of FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY.    

  • FAITH in Chivalry
  • HOPE in our Benefactors, Knights, Dames, and Nobles
  • CHARITY to help disadvantaged, abused, or neglected Women and Children of the World

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Details will be announced

  1. August 18, 2021 - Feast of Saint Helen. To be celebrated at every Grand Priory as a fundraising opportunity in the spirit of Saint Helen. This very special event is usually coordinated by our Ladies.  Ideas are invited. We understand the Grand Priory of Hawaii will have an "Afternoon High-Tea Party" fundraising event at one of the finest hotels in Hawaii.  
  2. September/Octobert Investiture Ceremonies Preparation.  Dates and places will be announced. Members of the Monarchical Chapter, who desire to advance to Knight- or Damehood, may prepare a Petition together with their Mentor  which must be a Knight or Dame of the Royal Order. When approved an Investiture Ceremony and Gala will scheduled and held within the jurisdiction of the respective Grand Priory. While H.R.H. Prince Rafael, Prince Grand Master plans to attend such events, he may appoint by Royal Decree a "Personal Representative" who will perform the knighting ceremony to meet strict legal "Fons Honorum" requirements. Grand Priories located in the United States must coordinate their Investiture Ceremonies with H.E. Sir John Shin, Grand Prior of the United States. 
  3. On or about October 28, 2021 - Celebration of the Battle at Milvian Bridge, with the Advancement of Knights, Dames and Nobles. The place and venue and exact day will be announced soon. It will be attended by H.R.H. Prince Rafael who will officiate among other promotions a very special ceremony consisting of the elevation of a Knight and a Lady to one of the highest ranks of nobility, that of a Count and Countess. Ceremonies such as these are very rarely seen in ones life-time.  Attendance is limited. Please RSVP soonest.
  4. November 12-15, 2021 Grand Priory of Japan.  Annual Meeting and Knighthood Investiture Gala. This is event currently planned. Details will be announced after the next Royal Order's Virtual Leadership Meeting, scheduled for Saturday, September 4, 2021.
  5. February 22 -26,2022 -  Annual General Meeting. (Place to be announced.) This is event currently planned to be attended by Representatives of all Grand Priories, Details will be announced after the next Royal Order's Leadership Meeting, scheduled for Saturday, July 3, 2021.  The Annual General Meeting will include the regular business agenda, including the approval of granting charters for new Grand Priories.  The highlight will be the 2022 Royal House of Cappadocia Prize Awards Gala - presented to eight Nominees, one per Recognition Category. Nominees will be notified.
  6. August 2022 - Charter Ceremony and 1st Meeting of the Grand Priory of Greece. Lady Maria DiGiovanni, Dame Commander and Ambassador of the Royal Order to Greece, plans to coordinate this visitation with the Vision of establishing the Grand Priory of Greece, and a Royal Home for Women & Children in need on behalf of the Royal Order.  Among the requirements to approve a new Grand Priory, a Petition must be presented by twelve (12) Members of the Monarchical Chapter sixty (60) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. After conclusion of this Visitation, members and guest may participate at an Optional Tour to Istanbul, and Cappadocia, Turkey. Should you be interested to attend, please let us know.  

This is YOUR Order of Chivalry, your ideas, suggestions and active participation are appreciated. For additional information and Initiatives in process, please visit our website by pressing this button... 


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